
SEO tips: 81 super effective SEO tips in 2020

Please let me know…

How many times have you tried to find web SEO but there is so much information on the Internet?

Fortunately, you can find all 81 website SEO tips right here. You do not need to spend time going elsewhere.

This article will give you full information about the most effective website SEO tips!

Warning: The techniques I have summarized below are very basic!

If you have been SEO long and have abundant real battle experience? Believe me, at least 1 thing listed below maybe you have not done it yet.

And the good news is, you can do it by yourself!

Get started now!

Part 1: SEO Tips – Keyword Research

Keyword research should be the starting point for any web SEO campaign.

Why is that?

Because if you really do not know what your customers are looking for in your market. If you do it randomly, the results will be very random too.

Let data inform your strategic direction.

Here are my tips to help you research SEO keywords more easily.

  1. Target targeted keywords

A lot of people are making these 2 errors when choosing target keywords:

  • Optimize irrelevant keywords on the same URL
  • Optimize 1 keyword on multiple URLs

Remember: Each page or post on the website should target only one main topic.

You should send the content of your website to a friend and ask them to see it. Do they know what “this page is about” so they can choose the exact keywords.

The important thing is NOT to optimize the same keyword on many different pages.

Because Google usually selects only one of these pages to rank for that keyword. And if it ever ranked the page that you did not want to get on the top then it is a pity.

When optimizing one keyword on many different URLs, chances are you are having problems with Keyword Cannibalization error.

However, you should always use Google to search for that keyword before you start. Because it will help you know what is the best content for a keyword in the eyes of Google.

If most of the top results are so much different from the content you are trying to SEO, then this keyword may not be a good choice.

The keyword “adwords ads” appears in many SERP features

The same goes for keywords with multiple SERP features (e.g. feature snipper, Adwords ads, shopping results, etc.). They will push organic ranking results lower, resulting in lower CTRs and less traffic.

  1. Choose “information keywords” instead of “navigation keywords”

Sometimes you find a keyword that has an “ecstatic” search volume during keyword research. However, a keyword with a large search volume does not mean that it will be a good choice.

You must consider the “intentions” behind the search.

Search intent

>> What is search intent? 4 types of keywords according to search intent and content optimization method to increase user experience, rank top of a series of keywords.

For example, “Google Analytics” might be like a good keyword to try and rank at first glance. Because there are 1 million searches per month! Terrible yet.

The keyword “google analytics” has nearly 1 million searches per month


The majority of those searches are just people who want to sign in to Google Analytics. Perhaps they will not even notice the site at position 2. You should be careful to click on the first position to go to GA.

Most searches are just for logging into Google Analytics

I personally search from Google Analytics a dozen times a day. (Maybe I should make a bookmark for it ^^)

Now if we scroll down, we will find the keyword “how to use Google Analytics”.

The keyword “how to use Google Analytics” has 1900 searches per month

There are about 1,900 searches a month. Certainly, there are about 1,900 different people searching for this guide. Obviously, this is a better choice.

However, it is not necessary to just consider the search volume of a keyword. (Unless you sell advertising).

You should seek to rank the keywords that bring value to your business. That is, those who bring in traffic convert into leads and customers.

Identify potential keywords

Here are some questions that will help identify potential keywords:

  • Are people searching for this keyword likely to want to buy what you sell?
  • Is there a clear way to convert traffic from this keyword to potential customers?
  • The search volume of the keyword large enough and worthwhile from a business perspective?
  • Is the search volume from your target country? (i.e. where is your customer)

If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, then you should choose another option!

  1. Find low competitive keywords

In case, you have just built a website and you have no credibility. Then it is very difficult to rank highly competitive keywords.

You can do it, but it will not be easy.

So, I recommend that you start with easy keywords first. That will be the fastest way for you to drive traffic to your website.

What is a way to check keyword competitiveness? Let me show you. Go to Ahrefs, under Keywords explorer and look at the competition index in the KD column (keyword difficulty)

For example, if you are looking to “rock” in the “seo services” market like GTV SEO, it may be difficult to type in this keyword right from where.

The competition of the keyword “seo service” is very high

But it will be easier if you type in the keyword “overall seo service”

The keyword “overall seo service” seems to be easier

> Guide to search for “ghost” keywords that helps you increase thousands of website traffic with only standard SEO content.

  1. “Steal” rival keywords for your website!

It is great if you know exactly which keywords your competitors are top of. And how much traffic do they bring in?

And better yet, with Ahrefs can tell you that!

Just enter your competitor’s domain name and then enter the “Organic Keywords” section.

Site Explorer> Enter competitor’s domain> Organic search> Organic keywords

Search in organic keywords and collect the right keywords for you

You will immediately have a list of all the main keywords that your competitors are ranking. Cool!

Refer to how to build an SEO keyword set in 5p by analyzing your opponents via SEO keyword research video 2017

  1. Set notifications for new Competitors’ Keywords right away

Keep a close watch on the content strategy of your competitors by following their new keywords.

Why? Because if your competitor targets a new keyword, you will probably want to rank that word as well.

Please set up an alert in Ahrefs. After that, Ahrefs will send you a notification email whenever your competitor has a new keyword to rank for.

On Ahrefs toolbar, select Alerts> New keywords> Add alert> enter competitor’s domain> set report frequency> Add

Set notification when new keywords of competitors

It is simple, but very effective!

  1. Check the “potential traffic” of the target keyword

Most websites to the top (especially top 1) have lots of long keywords, besides the main keywords.

Therefore, just looking at the search volume of the main keyword alone is not enough to know all the “potential traffic”.

So how to measure the potential traffic of any keyword?

It is very simple … look at the top 1 website with how much traffic

For example: The keyword “best VPN” has a search volume of 105k

The keyword “best vpn” has 105 thousand searches per month

But when you scroll down to the Keywords Explorer section, you’ll see monthly it pulls up to 180k + traffic per month.

The amount of traffic pulled up to over 180k per month

Because every website gets to the top simultaneously from lots of long keywords. The actual potential traffic from the “best VPN” goes far beyond the estimate.

  1. Find out what content your website is missing

“What you are missing” – I mean the keywords you have ranked that you do not have.

That’s not good, is it?!?

Fortunately, you can solve this problem by using Ahrefs as well.

Audit content for website:

Site Explorer> Enter domain> search> Organic search> Content gaps> Enter competitor domains> Show keywords

Use Content Gap to find out what you are missing

From here you will know what content the current competitor has? Top keywords that you do not have.

Below is an image showing keywords that GTV SEO does not have, but competitors in the market have.

The keywords that GTV SEO does not have but the competitors do

  1. Find out what users really want to know and respond with useful content

Q&A websites (like Quora) are a great source of ideas for finding great keywords or content.

The trick is to look for questions that have been asked many times. Because no good answers have been found on Google right now, people are here to ask.

Questions on Quora.com

Add another tip:

If you search for a keyword, and the search results have a Quora page or other similar website in the top 3, then that keyword is probably not very competitive.

And if it is not too competitive, then it is an opportunity for you!

The question is: How to find these “opportunity” keywords. Please use the “Organic keywords” report of Ahrefs site explorer.

Site Explorer> Enter Quora.com> Organic keywords> Filter words related to your market> Filter top 3 positions> Sort by volume

Find opportunity keywords from Quora.com

It can be seen that Quora ranked # 3 for the keyword “SEO lead” (with 450 searches / month) …

We all need to do to beat Quora in search results by creating better content related to the word “SEO lead”.


You can also find other related keywords with Ahrefs Keywords Explorer:

Keywords Explorer> Enter related keywords> Phrase Match> Filter by phrases that contain “what”, “how”, “where”

Add the necessary phrases to filter out related keywords

Part 2: Tips for SEO website with Content

Keyword research phase … Done!

Now you should be ready to start creating content around these keywords already.

This is considered the most essential part of SEO.

After all, you can’t rank without content! Creating great content is an art and people who write compelling, engaging content are an artist! Start.

The 7-step detailed guide has standard SEO 2019 articles. Learn now!

  1. Search for content creation ideas for any keyword

Many of you have the problem of not knowing what to create for the keywords to optimize. I myself, too. But the difficulty is the wisdom.

Why not first research what is the best content today? Also, with Ahrefs, you can easily study.

Just: Content Explorer> Enter the subject of the keyword> Explore

Find more content creation ideas for your keywords

In case, you already have the keyword idea in mind. Choose your competitors and compete directly!

Now go to the “Top Content” section in Ahrefs Site Explorer to find which competitor’s content is shared the most … then try to create something better!

Site Explorer> Enter competitor’s domain> Explore> Pages> Top Content

Learn more content from top competitors

You will have a list of the best content of your opponent, ranked from top to bottom.

Learn the ideas of this article, invest effort to create a better new content, more attractive, in line with the current search trends.

  1. Use actual case study in the article

One of the most effective and simple ways to SEO Top Google to highlight your content when writing about popular keywords is to write about real life examples.

Putting in fact data is a good way to create trust and simulate your products and services.

Refer to the case study market of “used laptop hcm” through our article on analyzing SEO competitors

  1. Get the attention of the readers right from the first words

OK, someone clicked on your website from the search results … Great! But you have only succeeded half the way.

Your next job is how to keep readers on your website. That is why you have to make a strong impression right from the first lines of the introduction:

Here are a few tips for you to write an impressive opening:

  • Try to be short, concise.
  • Get straight to the point: what readers will know when reading your article.
  • “Decoy” the reader.

The first two ideas are pretty clear for you to understand. But how to “bait” readers here?

Basically, you need to make the readers enjoy every word they read … and do not want to press the X button.

The bait here means to bring the issue up a bit, constantly suggesting the content about to be read to the reader until the end. This is the best way to keep them.

But, the important thing is …

No “trick” is effective if the content you write cannot answer the problem the reader is looking for.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to find these queries. Just go to the “organic keywords” section in Ahrefs.

Enter any URL and you’ll get a list of all the keywords that drive traffic to that page.

Write introductory text with the main keywords needed

  1. The content must be easy to read and understand

There is nothing worse than clicking on a search result and reading an article that does not understand what “module” is in.

You must avoid this at all costs.

Dense article rambling confusing

Here are a few pointers to keep your writing clear and readable:

Just paste your manuscript into the editor and work your way through hints and tips.

  • Separation of content into logical components
  • Write short, simple sentences. Each paragraph has a maximum of 2, 3 sentences.
  • Include practical examples throughout the article
  • Use understandable words
  • Mark, number each idea in the lesson
  • Split content by images;
  • Use video and other multimedia content (where appropriate!) In articles
  1. Do not try to write long lines to increase the length of the article

Do not fall into the illusion of “longer content is better for SEO”.

This is not always true.

There are cases where it needs to be short … you should keep the article short.

In addition, you should also remove unnecessary parts from the article.

And make sure, you are not a “slash” in your article offline.

For example, when you say you have 39 content marketing trends, make sure that you include both quantity and quality criteria.

Make sure the criteria you set

  1. Link out is good for readers and for SEO efficiency

If the content of your article has links out to other content that is high quality, reliable and relevant to the topic you write, then it will help you build relationships with the owners of the websites. other.

In addition, I found a small correlation between the number of outgoing links and Google rankings:

The amount of link out and ranking on Google is related to each other

Note: The use of outlink also has some important notes, you should read more in this article to master how to use offline.

Part 3: SEO tips: Optimize ON-PAGE SEO

A great content is not enough to help you rank high …

The content needs to be optimized at the same time for both Google AND the reader.

If On-page factors are not optimized, even the BEST content can fail.

To simplify the tips below, I recommend that you install the SEO Yoast plugin on your website (in case you are using WordPress platform).

Using Yoast SEO on WordPress will be very convenient

  1. Insert keywords into article titles and other appropriate places

There are cases where some websites will rank without the keyword appearing in the title tag. But for the most part, the majority has a clear correlation between the keywords in the title tags and rankings as follows:

Most websites in the top have keywords in the title

So, you need to make sure that every page on your website has a unique title tag and your main keyword appears once.

Not twice but only once!

It is the same for meta description and H1 description tags of articles

But do not be foolish to try to cram keywords.

  1. Try to create a striking title, stimulating readers

If your goal is to gain 3rd place, pull in a significant amount of traffic for the website. Then you have to create a catchy title.

You only have 55 characters to write a good title, so you need to invest some gray matter here.

How to write an attractive title, attract attention, stimulate the reader’s emotions?

If you need to find some good headline examples then look at the viral content on Facebook. Those posts have super high clickthrough rates and are shared like crazy.

I will give you one more tip …

If all the headlines on your site follow a certain format, then try writing something different. Then your title will stand out in the SERPs. Maybe this change will bring you a few clicks.

In particular, if your clickthrough rate goes up, your rankings will improve too!

Refer to 5 techniques to increase CTR in SEO from title

  1. If you have an e-commerce website, you should add keywords that indicate a purchase intent is likely to bring in revenue.

If you are running an e-commerce website, you will of course want to target people who are “ready” to buy.

For example, if someone searches for ‘purple shirt’ you can search for:

  • Product review
  • Images of purple shirts
  • Information about purple shirts.

But someone searching for the phrase ‘buy purple shirt’ means they’re more likely to be ready to buy.

So, by adding a word like ‘buy’ to your title, you can already target your target audience.

The syntax for title page of ecommerce pages usually looks like this:

Buy {product name} Online, Buy {product name} Online /

These fixed titles will save you time when you have to write custom titles for thousands of different products!

  1. Increase your website clickthrough rate (CTR) with the meta description tag

The title tag has 512px to display on the desktop search results, then the rest displays 3 dots …

The title of the article is too long

The meta description tag also, after displaying 923 px, the rest is dots …

This meta description is too long

These 3 dots have a significant negative impact on the clickthrough rate. So, you should keep your title tags around 512px and meta description around 923px (maximum) to minimize truncation in search results.

A general rule is:

  • Your title tags are <55 characters
  • Meta description <155 characters.
  1. The meta description tag decides the majority of clicks on your website

Really! The meta description tag is the same as your ad in search results.

The description tag will not always appear as you want (sometimes Google will randomly pick words that better match the user’s query).

But most, when appearing a very unique, attractive description for each page on the website, you will obviously attract many clicks.

The best way for you to know which is good is to constantly experiment with different meta description formats to optimize CTR.

  1. Optimize website content

Why do people visit your website? It is for the content, right?

So, make sure that in 1s when readers come to the website, they easily capture what they are looking for.

At least the title must be fully displayed without the user scrolling down.

You should also minimize the use of anything that distracts the reader’s concentration, such as:

  • Too many ads annoy the reader
  • Pop up banners appear annoying: maybe this is a good idea to increase conversion rates, such as adding more subscribers. But in parallel, many readers find it annoying with this type of banner. And they are ready to shut down your site right away. Be careful that when you use pop ups, they are easily turned off.
  • Interstitial ads: Google states that it is possible to penalize websites that display interstitial, full-screen ads to users on mobile devices. So be careful with interstitials. Especially ads that block users from reading content as soon as they touch your page.
  1. Make sure your website is compatible with all devices

Your website must work on many different devices, operating systems and screen sizes.

That means it must be optimized for mobile display!

Traffic statistics by access device

And it is also best to optimize the way that even people with disabilities can access it.

  1. Pull in more traffic from Google Image

Google image search can bring a lot of traffic to your website.

This is especially true for those who are ecommerce businesses.

Why? Because many users start searching for products by searching for images on Google. Not a regular search anymore.

Optimize images to pull more traffic to the website

But the problem is that Google is not smart enough to identify what is in your image. You have to tell Google what it is. So, add descriptive alt text (subtitles) for all your images.

Check out the video on how to optimize image SEO standards to promote Google Map growth

You should also compress and optimize the image to download it as quickly as possible.

Why? Because this is a ranking factor not only in Google Images but also on regular search.

There is a plugin on WordPress called Short Pixel that can help you with this.

The plugin will automatically compress your images when you upload them.

Use Short Pixel to optimize images faster

Effective way to save memory space! Speed ​​up page loading!

  1. Make short, descriptive URLs

Use brief descriptive URLs for your content pages.

Here is why:

  1. They look better
  2. Using keywords in the URL will benefit SEO
  3. When the links pointing to the anchor text are bare links, they will also display the keywords that need SEO

I recommend putting URLs that are about 2-3 words long with hyphens.

For example, the URL for this post is “thu-thuat-seo”

Set URLs concise but effective

What is Onpage SEO? Refer to the latest 22 Onpage SEO factors checklist (2019)

  1. Minimize content duplication to please Google Panda

Most of the time, the text appears on your page many times.

Maybe this is not a big problem when your website has a lot of content. But e-commerce websites are different. This is not really good.

Why? Because product pages sometimes only have 50 unique words describing the product. Then there are 500 words about delivery terms and so on, repeated many times on each page.

So, Google will understand how?

It understands that “there is only 10% unique content on all these sites and they provide very little or no value to the user”.

And that means Google Panda will “look” to you right away.

  1. SEO local

Contact information for your company should be easily found on Google. If you are a locally targeted business, then that is even more important.

In fact, I recommend adding your physical address and contact details to the footer of each page.

>> Details of the most effective SEO Local in 2018 – 2019

By doing so, you are strengthening your position with Google and sending a solid signal of trust.

>> Reference case study dominating Google Maps by GTV SEO

  1. Choose a brand domain name, instead of a domain name with the exact keyword

If your domain name has the right keywords, it will only bring a small benefit to SEO only.

I only see a small correlation in SEO performance with domain names with exact keywords.

The exact keyword in the domain name does not matter much

So, choose for you a good domain name instead of just taking care of the domain name with long and zigzag keywords like tukhoachinhxacseo.com.

Giving up SEO value… It just looks so much better!

  1. Improve website loading speed by applying Google suggestions

Page load speed is really a ranking factor. Excluding other factors, websites with fast loading speed will rank higher.

When I researched on optimizing page loading speed in the Onpage SEO section, the correlation between ranking results and page load is only small. But obviously, it is a present.

Lower page load speed will be better

The easiest way to improve your website speed is to use Google Pagespeed Insight. You can find lots of suggestions from Google here. Follow the instructions and get started.

Speed ​​up page loading with Google Pagespeed Insight

Refer to how to optimize basic website speed for wordpress here

  1. If you use WordPress, please install the Caching Plugin application

This plugin will make a big difference to your page loading speed. Because if it is not installed, WordPress will respond very slowly to your website, which will take a long time to load, especially when there are many people accessing your website at the same time.

The Caching Plugin stores static html from the user’s access history. Then when users re-visit the website, they are easily accessible right away. From there, your server does not need to work too hard.

I encourage you to use a plugin named WP Rocket.

Use the WP Rocket plugin to make the server work easier

  1. Installing AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

AMP will help you to load web pages instantly. Google is increasingly ranking the pages that have AMP installed because of their optimization with user experience, keeping them longer on the site, reducing website bounce rates and improving rankings on mobile devices.

Instructions to create detailed AMP from A – Z for the website:

If your site is running on WordPress, you can use the free plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/amp/) to easily set up AMP.

However, you should check your AMP interface, and will need to adjust a bit for wordpress websites.

  1. Set Up Rich Snippets or Structured Data to increase CTR rate

Organic traffic is now more competitive than ever.

A rich snippet is a special piece of information or content (like images, review reviews, breadcrumb navigation tags, etc.) that makes your website stand out on the rankings and get more clicks.

You should include additional snippets of descriptive HTML tags to help search engines better understand the content of a web page.

Using Rich Snippets will surely increase CTR

Pictures of one of 10 popular Rich Snippets:

Obviously, this will help you improve your CTR rates, too!

  1. Find High Ranking Keywords But Low CTR … Then improve CTR to pull traffic

The search analytics report is perhaps the most useful information in Google Search Console.

You can also use this report to find high search volume keywords. But they have a lower than average CTR for their ranking position.

Analyze the reports from Google Search Console

Once you have identified these keywords, you should perform experiments to change the title tag, description tag to increase the CTR rate to the most desirable.

  1. Regularly refresh content

If you already have an article on the site with a specific keyword, do not write another article on the same topic.

When multiple pages compete for the same keyword it is very likely that no page will be ranked. Please update the old blog content. This helps keep content fresh, relevant and “ranking” better from gaining the trust of Google.

The more quality your post content, the more traffic you will receive.

Answer user questions below each article.

This is a new feature of Ahrefs, you choose Keywords Explorer> Enter keywords> Questions

Ahrefs’s new question tracking feature

For example, you already have 1 tutorial on how to make yogurt. You can refresh your content by adding a series of troubleshooting questions at the end of the article:

Rely on these questions to update your content

Just optimize the experience, meet the needs of user information, just refresh the website content.

Whenever you find a new topic related to an article you already have on the web, make note of it.

At GTV, we have a table of all blog content on the website. Whenever a member sees a new topic, we take notes, categorize the category, and update it into the corresponding blog post.

Add things like “Update Day / Month / Year” to let users know the information is outdated.

It is amazing, isn’t it?

  1. Link building

When it comes to SEO, link building is really a big job …

If you want to be ranked high, then backlinks are still an important factor to consider because according to Neil Patel, backlinks account for 20.26%.

The components that build up Google’s ranking algorithm

Below, I have listed for you what you need to do …

  1. Fix broken backlinks

Go to the “best by link” section in Ahrefs to find broken links.

Site Explorer> Enter domain> Pages> Best by links> select “404 not found”

Find and fix broken backlinks with Site Explorer

You can fix them by contacting the owner of the linked website. Ask them to update these links or just set up 301 redirects.

That is it! Delicious peach peach branch.

  1. Stealing broken links from an opponent

“Stealing” rival backlinks is a phrase used quite a lot, but in this case it really is!

  • Find broken backlinks on content on rival websites.
  • Contact the owners of those backlink websites and ask them to point back to your website to replace those broken links

You can find all broken links pointing to your competitor’s website in seconds by running the “Broken backlinks” report in Ahrefs Site Explorer.

Site Explorer> Enter competitor’s domain> Explore> Backlinks> Broke.

Stealing from the broken backlink opponents

However, this method is rarely used by SEOer Vietnam. It requires more effort to find and contact the web host.

Instead, you can apply the method below …

  1. Focus on building links that bring in traffic

What type of backlinks are the best you can bring to your website?

It is a link that leads traffic to your website.

(After all, isn’t that a backlink’s duty?)

Any backlink that brings your website traffic will be good for both business and SEO. It will be completely safe from future Google updates.

But how do you determine if that backlink is likely to bring in traffic?

Ask yourself the following question “Do you think this site / website will bring in traffic or not and visitors may click on my link?”

However, there is also a way to help you estimate using the Ahrefs Site Explorer tool> Enter URL / Domain> Overview.

Try to build links to bring in the highest amount of traffic

Some indicators you need to pay attention to are the following:

Domain Rating (DR);

URL Rating (UR);

Ahrefs Rank (AR);

  1. Do not underestimate the No follow backlinks – Pay attention to the balance between the Dofollow and No follow links

While dofollow backlinks are better for rankings, SEO experts also claim that nofollow links have some effect on SEO.

Either way, there is a good proportion between both types of links in your backlink story

So, you should not be too concerned about whether a link is dofollow or nofollow.

If it is a high-quality link (i.e. it can bring traffic, relevance, power), try to get it!

  1. Use exact keyword anchor text, but do not overdo it

I have an article about types of anchor text and how to use them here. You should look into the impact of anchor text types on rankings.

Use a variety of anchor text types for better results

The exact keyword anchor text has a great effect on SEO but should only be used at 2% of the total other anchor text types. Because you can easily fall into the status of over optimized!

  1. Remove / Disavow bad backlinks

If you are serious about your business, do not waste time building spam links.

They simply do not work at all, but also cause bad effects on you.

Either way, you should regularly check your backlinks because you only want to get good links.

You can export your entire link using Ahrefs Site Explorer.

Site Explorer> Enter domain> Backlink profile> Backlinks> Export

Export bad backlinks to disavow with Google Search Console

Any suspicious links and / or low quality should be removed – Please contact the webmaster and request removal.

Or disavow it yourself with the Google Webmaster Tool.

  1. Track your competitors backlink

If the site is linking to your competitors, then you will also want to get a link from them!

Use Ahrefs Site Explorer to export the backlinks your competitor has and look for opportunities your way.

Site Explorer> Enter competitor domain> Backlink profile> Backlinks> Export

Track and get backlinks from competitors every day

You should also monitor your competitors closely when they have new backlinks.

Ahref can send an email notification daily, weekly or monthly whenever it detects a new backlink pointing to a specific website.

Just set up an alert for your competitor’s domain (and a special page) and you will soon get a list of potential customers with good links straight to your inbox.

Alerts> Backlinks> Add alert> Set frequency> Daily / weekly / monthly

Set a notification for each opponent has a new backlink

  1. Find websites that link to many competitors … and they will definitely want to link to you.

If a website is linking to some of your competitors, but not with you, then it is an opportunity to get one more link.

Use the Ahrefs Link Intersect Link Tools to find links with many competitors and let them know they should link to you too!

Tools> Link Intersect> enter up to 10 domains> Show link opportunities

Use Link Intersect to find a new potential web that is not yet connected to your web

  1. Find your opponent’s backlinks

Finding a source of constant backlinks to your competitors (it means websites that link to them multiple times) is a great way to get a chance to build quality links.

In addition, you will gain insight into their advertising strategies.

  1. Find the content of the opponent with the most backlinks. You should write better content and steal their backlinks!

Find out which content has the most links pointing to a competitor’s website by running the Best by links report in Ahrefs Site Explorer.

Site Explorer> Enter domain> Explore> Pages> Best by links

Write better content and then get backlinks from competitors

The RD index indicates the number of domains pointing to each page.

Let’s create better content and reach out to all affiliate sites to steal links!

  1. Create a “Linkbait” strategy to acquire multiple backlinks and traffic

‘Linkbait content strategies are built to attract links.

The content must be very good, valuable and unique that any blogger or influencer could not help but point there to.

These links then help improve the site’s ranking in the search engines.

It is pretty simple, right?

People love to share articles about topics they are passionate about.

If you can create something interesting and visually relevant to your audience’s passion, your content will be viral.

  1. Use Ahrefs Alerts to increase your outreach rate

If you are a white hat backlink, using guest post tactics, creating super awesome content to get other bloggers to link to your post, you will definitely love this.

Imagine that, if a blogger in the market you just created a very good content, then you email to contribute and clarify the article, then introduce your article in the article of That blogger.

If your article helps their article resonate value in the eyes of the market, they will be ready for you a backlink there.

To find content that is the same topic as your brand new content, you should set up an Ahrefs Alerts

Alerts> Mentions> Add alert> Enter query> Set frequency> Add

Receive notifications from Ahrefs every time an opponent takes action

Ahrefs will send you an email notifying you of the same topic as the keyword you submitted.

You just need to email them like what I deploy below and succeed.

  1. ​​Use marketing tools to send emails at Large scale

Smaller outreach campaigns can be done in your regular email client.

But when you have a large prospect list or are working in a team, you should use a tool to speed up the process.

You will also want to keep track of all contacts and correspondence.

Buzzstream will be a great tool to manage and track extended email outreach campaigns for you.

In addition, it will automatically display contact information (including email) to your potential customers, saving you some time.

BuzzStream greatly supports email marketing

Besides, you can also use Infusionsoft, MailChimp, GetResponse to send email marketing to those who have subscribed to your newsletter.

No matter which tool you choose, always find customers who have opened your email multiple times but do not respond. They are the main contenders for a follow-up – just wait a few days before doing so.

Also … do not send too many emails at once.

There is a fine line between marketing and spam. And that is the limit you do not want to cross!

  1. Diversify your content and post it in many different ways

Make the most of your best content by turning it into a visual display, SlideShare slideshow or video and share it on relevant websites.

You can also expand your audience to your most interesting content by posting them on websites like:

Medium; Linkedin Pulse; Social Media Today, Pinterest, ….

And do not worry about duplicate content.

As long as you cite the source of the original article, that’s all right

  1. Get the link from wikipedia

Anyone can add a link to Wikipedia. But the seo tip here is how to keep this link from being deleted.

The answer is simple: Make your content great. Otherwise, the Mod of Wikipedia will delete it immediately.

Try inserting links 10 times, you will probably succeed up to 9 times. If the content you point to is really good.

  1. Answer questions on Quora or Forum websites to get traffic

Links from question and answer sites like Quora may not provide the most SEO value in the world, but they can lead to traffic.

And traffic (and sales) is what we really need, right?

Similar to the forums, join, answer questions and you will be able to share links and bring traffic to your web.

Quora can be used as a backlink to your website

And the interesting thing is, when users click on, they may already have a certain trust in you.

That means they can become your potential customers!

  1. Search backlinks from the times your brand is mentioned

If someone mentions your brand but does not link to your site, it’s an opportunity to earn a backlink.

They already know you, so you will be approachable and ask if they add your link.

It is also easy to know, following your brand mentions.

Just set up an alert for your brand name and you will receive it whenever it is mentioned anywhere on the web.

Alerts> Mentions> Add alert> enter your brand name in the search box> set frequency> Add

Notification settings for each time your brand is mentioned

  1. Do not be afraid to start your own Blog … Then your Blog will prosper over time!

Many SEOs just focus on developing their SEO articles or just copy news or share articles on other pages about their site.

But you do not realize a great value, that is …

Many big brands are built on Content Marketing via Blog or Vlog, such as Gary Vaynerchuck, Digital Marketer, Backlinko …

In Vietnam, we are no stranger to names like, Thach Pham, The Khuong of Kiemtiencenter or myself of GTV SEO branding through Blog and Vlog.

Vincent Do – CEO of GTV SEO

With the messages you want to convey through the content, create a different value than others in the same field and continuously create content, you will gradually create a large fan base for your blog or vlog.

Since then, the traffic on your website is increasing, brand & revenue are growing.

And even better, your website will be stronger (due to traffic), so that other articles you want to SEO in the competitive market will be easier than before.

  1. Acknowledged for the use of your copyrighted material. (Yes, a backlink!)

Whenever you find out that someone else is using your images or content, you should email them and ask them if they can cite your website so that users can easily find out.

From there, you will also get a very good backlink.

  1. Add internal links to “promote” content

You want the best content  in your most competitive market a little “force” to be able to top higher?

Simply by using internal links on other high UR pages, or pages with lots of traffic related.

Part 4: SEO tips related to Technical website

Awesome Content? OK

Optimize Onpage SEO standard? Ok

Dozens of quality backlinks? Ok

You have done a lot already!

Now it is time to optimize your website for the best for Google and UX (User Experience).

Briefly explained, “SEO Technique” is the job to make sure your website is set up for maximum success.

This is extremely important. If you want everything you do above to be exponentially resonated, you definitely will not want to miss it.

And now comes the “cool way” you can apply this.

  1. Create a page structure that helps you navigate Link Juice throughout the website

Allowing Link Juice to flow easily throughout your website depends heavily on the website structure.

Ideally, you will want any article of your website just takes a few clicks to reach a place that allows users to easily read your content.

Design links that link the entire website together

Especially with the important pages of your website. You will want them to be easily accessible even though the robot or user is anywhere on the website so Link juice can flow to that website the most.

Directions for building silo structure for website optimize website structure. More advanced, you should refer to the site hubs structure (you should understand silo structure first)

  1. Use Canonical Urls for Duplicate content

Add Canonical Urls to set preferred URLs for pages with duplicate content.

For example, E-Commerce Systems allow to filter categories by different properties or product lines that can automatically generate multiple URLs but represent the same content.

When using Canonicals Urls, Robots will know which page you want to prioritize to appear on search engines, to avoid “confusing” them when there are too many pages with the same content.

  1. Use www or not www (but not both)

I know that you take it for granted.

But in fact, when I received more than 60 SEO projects, I was extremely surprised to see so many websites not doing this.

When there is an article on your website, there are 2 URLs:



This is similar to the above, will make google easily disoriented and cause more harm.

So, choose one of the two versions above and 301 redirect the other version.

It is even better if in Google Search Console you also choose your favorite version.

  1. Block Robots from “sensitive” content

Exclude Google bots and other crawlers from sensitive parts of your site (such as administrator login) by blocking them in robots.txt.

  1. Use 301 redirects for pages that have been moved / deleted.

Always use 301 redirects to refer old pages to new URLs.

In the past, there were many rumors that when you use 301 redirects, you will lose some strength of the old page. But Google recently confirmed that 301 redirects will impart full power to the new page.

  1. Use the Content Delivery Network (CDN) to serve your content

What is a CDN and what does it do?

Let me explain below.

Most of the websites are hosted (hosts) located somewhere in the world (ex. United States). Or in Vietnam, in Vietnam or Singapore or Hong Kong.

But what if there were some traffic coming from the United Kingdom?

As a result, the transmission will be slowed down for United Kingdom users. This is not good for SEO and user experience at all.

CDN will help you solve this problem by creating cached copies for your website on many servers around the globe.

By that way, when a visitor visits any page, it will load from the server located near the user’s actual location => Faster.

Not only does it speed up the site, it also saves on bandwidth costs.

Cloudflares is one of CDN’s easy to install and most effective. Even GTV SEO we are using.

Use Cloudflare to increase the quality of customer experience

>> Refer to how to install cloudflare here.

  1. Install SSL Certificate on Your Website

SSL has been Google’s ranking factor since 2014.


The answer is quite simple, because of security.

Let me explain it to you …

Cybercrime is growing in a sophisticated way …

And of course, many people are afraid to share sensitive data on websites.

Installing SSL is also quite easy. In most cases, hosting providers can help you.

However, there is another simpler solution: CloudFlare.

You only need to change your server domain to instruct CloudFlare and then, CloudFlare will act as a filter, blocking spam and bad IPs to access your server.

Be careful! Switching from http to https will cause some impact on SEO!

  1. Identify potential indexing problems by typing “site: mydomain.com” on the search engine

You can get an indication of how many pages Google has indexed for your site by running the following search:

site: mydomain.com

Identify indexing issues on Google

If the page numbers are higher / lower than expected, that is a sign that you already have indexing issues that need to be fixed.

  1. Get advice from Google on what you should fix on your website

Did you know that Google will really tell you about problems on your site?

And give you feedback on what you should fix or improve on your entire website?

Just sign up for Google Search Console (FREE).

Here are some interesting things you will learn in Search Console:

Use the crawl error report to find out any errors that Google has encountered when crawling your site.

Crawl> Crawl Errors

Rely on Google Webmaster Tools to find and fix website problems

If you see any “404s not found” errors, you may want to set up 301 redirects for those pages.

Server errors can be a sign that your website is loading slowly, so that’s definitely what you want to consider.

Fix what you can!

  1. Submit Sitemaps to help Google crawl your site

Add a sitemap to ensure all pages on the site can be found and to set crawl priority.

Crawl> Sitemaps

This is not a big deal if you have a good site structure, but it’s one of the ways to bookmark lists.

It is also important to force Google to recrawl a page whenever it is updated (rather than just wait for Google to recrawl it).

This only takes a few clicks and the page will be saved almost immediately.

Crawl> Fetch As Google> Fetch> Submit To Index> Crawl only this URL> Go

Confirm to send a Sitemap to Google

Part 5: Other web SEO techniques


You have come very far here.

I hope that you have covered a lot of SEO with the 62 SEO tips above.

Now I will share with you some general tips on SEO implementation.

Let’s get started!

  1. Delete / no Index the Thin content

What is Thin Content?

Thin Content is the content that has little value to users or content that is too short (for example, 200-300 words)

Google Panda algorithm will penalize websites with too many thin or duplicate content.

Using solutions to overcome websites fined Google Panda algorithm.

Either remove them or leave them “no-index”

  1. Check your website is hacked / Insert strange links.

If your site is hacked, your traffic will drop like a waterfall …

And Google can even remove you from the SERPs (the website is no longer displayed on google)

Therefore, it is important to ensure that your site has not been hacked and there are no suspicious links inserted.

Sucuri’s free site check will help you preliminarily scan the website to see if there is anything strange / hacked / security issues for free and even blacklist.

Use Sucuri to check if your website has any problems

If you have any problems, Sucuri also offers a paid payment service

  1. Find the cause of the sudden drop in search traffic

The sudden drop in your traffic is often the first sign that a website may have been penalized.

But before you panic, make sure nothing happened to your website that caused the drop.

For example:

  • Has your website “disconnected” for a while?
  • Is your analytics tracking code installed correctly?
  • Do you adjust No-index for the whole page? (I saw a lot of equipment – and even when I did)

If everything looks good, you may be penalized.

Reducing traffic in line with Google updates is an early indicator of algorithmic penalties.

If you are penalized by google penguin watch the traffic hospital video series to handle them.

  1. You should pay attention to google penalty notice

Even worse than reduced traffic is a manual penalty from google

Manual penalties mean that a Google technician has actually reviewed your site (or profile link) and found something suspicious.

It could be:

  • Suspicious links to the website
  • Poor quality content
  • Outlink out suspicious
  • User-controlled content;
  • Using the wrong schema (articles that use the product schema)

Manual webspam penalties will usually be notified by email and a text in Google Search Console.

A penalty notice form by Google

Restoring manual penalties is not a straightforward problem, so be careful when removing links, indexing pages, etc.

If in doubt about your ability to fix, use the services of an experienced SEO consultant. (not GTV SEO, GTV only receive overall SEO services in Ho Chi Minh City or build PBN system only).

  1. Unlock the keyword “not provided” by linking Google Analytics and Google Search Console … (partly so)

Google Analytics is a free, extremely useful web seo tool when it comes to measuring traffic.

BUT, while still telling you a lot, it no longer tells you which keywords are driving your search traffic.

Yes, it does … but it is quite poor.

This is because Google groups most keywords under “(not provided)”, as follows:

The keyword “not provided” often appears

This is obviously very bad. It gives little or no information at all to you.

Fortunately, by connecting Search Console to Analytics, you can pull keyword data from the Search Console “Search Query” report.

It is not perfect, but it is definitely an improvement.

  1. Filter out the Traffic Junk

Traffic spam from referral sources usually happens when scammers trick Google Analytics into reporting referrals that have never happened.

It is really annoying. And it disturbs your Google Analytics data.

This is what is often like in Google Analytics:

Spam traffic will tamper with your Analytics reports

These “ghosts” Traffic will cause the traffic reports to be inaccurate.

Even these traffics can come from sex sources!

Which leads to your website being “affected slightly”

Spam traffic can also come from very delicate sources

Luckily, Ahrefs has a fairly thorough post that helps us handle these cases.

Refer to https://ahrefs.com/blog/referral-spam/

  1. Track outbound links with event tracking

Your knowledge is more about how users interact with your website better, so it is worth setting up event tracking for outbound links on your site.

Track outbound links with Event Tracking

If you send someone a lot of referral traffic, then they might have noticed that. Therefore, they may be more likely to accept your guest posts.

  1. Make your content easy to share

Social media has no direct influence on your rankings.

But it helps spread your content and makes more people pay attention to your content.

An article of GTV SEO is shared on Facebook

Social Traffic may also have an indirect impact on ranking factors, such as:

  • Traffic
  • Search for brands (brand);
  • Type Url directly into the browser


So, in the spirit of making your content easy (and attractive) to be shared on social networks.

Update Tips for web SEO in August 2019:

I bet you have learned a lot here.

However, these are the latest effective web SEO techniques I added in October 2018.

The following SEO website optimization tips for Google below will help you speed up the development of your website!

  1. Add Breadcrumb links to your site

Adding Breadcrumb brings many benefits to your website, especially for e-commerce sites.

Breadcrumb creates texture for your website.

Most online sales websites, link from catalog pages to specific products. This means that category pages have made the websites of each product category displayed more fairly.

Place breadcrumb to make your web texture stronger

I am sure everyone wants their category page to rank high, as it is optimized for the most searched terms, but if you use the breadcrumb navigation tag, you will strengthen the page. catalog when connecting them to all related small products.

If you are using CMS, this is even easier.

Most of the templates available have navigation tags, so make sure to check the settings of these templates first.

If the website is built on a self-regulating platform, you need programming knowledge to do this. Ask a developer to install breadcrumbs to save your time and effort!

Lastly, I want to give you some thought to keep you moving forward in a volatile SEO world.

  1. Set tracking on the website

Tracking is a very important job.

If you do not monitor and check the rankings regularly, you can hardly recognize the website problem you encounter.

Which pages cause viewers to exit quickly? You should improve these pages first, especially if they have a high search volume.

Plus, if you do not check your traffic naturally, you will not know:

  • Website is growing or not
  • Search engines are penalizing the web or not
  • Your rankings have dropped or not
  • How to increase traffic, expand your SEO marketing strategy

Use Google Search Console and Google Analytics to track natural traffic and issues with your website. They are quite easy to install as long as you have access to the server.

Tutorial article for using Google Analytics

You can even install them via CMS.

Use Google Tag Manager to execute tracking codes. They are also easier to manage later.

If you want to set a higher level, try HotJar. It can create a heat map showing where users click on the most on a website. However, to read, understand and take advantage of Hotjar to improve user experience, an experienced person is required.

  1. Compress and optimize your images:

Images take up the most space on your server. That means they also take up the most space on a viewer’s device. And of course, they also take the most time to download images.

Slow loading times greatly affect the switching between web pages.

2 reasons why images take up so much space

The first reason, for example, is that you own two images that look the same, but one image is 1MB in size and the other is 1/5 MB.

How can this be?

The quality images are designed from or photoshop, AI usually has quite large capacity. However, if you still want to design beautiful images and do not occupy too much space, you can use Canva

Yes, I am not sure how image compression will actually work, but it will make images smaller in size without reducing their size or quality on the screen.

Use plugins like Smush for WordPress or image compression tools like ShortPixel with API.

You can also compress your images every time you upload them using TinyPNG.

If you do not know how to use these tools, just download a series of images compressing them and then uploading them to your server.


Please optimize the image before uploading it

In addition, 2000 x 2000 pixels images will take up more space than 500 x 500 pixels images.

Therefore, do not load the 2000 x 2000px image and shrink it to 500 x 500 px with CSS. The browser will have to download the image 4 times larger than the need.

To make this work faster, study the HTML attribute “srcset”. You can use it to download only specific images of a certain size

  1. Reuse existing content

You can easily get new search traffic by reusing existing content. Either turn it into a PDF and use it to build and send your email list, or turn it into a video or a podcast.

You can even use that content to share directly on social media as a story. Accordingly, long posts without links will reach more on platforms like Facebook.

Different audiences prefer different types of content, so expanding the format to more than plain text is a smart move, especially as the demand for content on video is increasing!

  1. Make your website mobile friendly

This is not a really easy part of SEO tactics. Consider the site age, you may have to redesign the entire site, or even rebuild it from scratch.

Because Google will rank your pages depending on how users view on mobile devices.

Do not forget to optimize mobile-friendly website

You can fix everything on CMS by simply installing the available template. However, depending on the plugins you have installed, some functions may be changed.

It really is a small change, but it will definitely bring high results!

  1. Study and test as much as possible

Knowledge is power.

But more importantly, the experience you gain from applying that knowledge.

Please always update and apply the SEO knowledge daily. Subscribe to the Blog or Vlog of GTV SEO to update the latest knowledge.

Signing up for GTV emails is a good start

After you perfect it, refer to our SEO & learning process for a solid foundation.

  1. Pay attention to the situation of Google Updates (And Case Studies in the world)

Everything changes in SEO, so keep updating and pay attention to the algorithms.

Read and study case studies in the world and see what you can do.

However, do not rush to edit the website or make any changes when Google updates the algorithm, follow these 8 things to restore the website now!

  1. Patience

Effective SEO works hard and time, but effort and wait will be worth it.

You must know that, unlike before, Google restrains the time you top and get a lot of backlinks.

Currently in 2019, it takes you 30 to 45 days to see the effectiveness of the backlink.

And for the new website, this time seems to take up to 2 months because of the Google Sandbox algorithm.

So be patient when applying these SEO tips!

  1. Do not spam

I personally see a lot of you holding a content post, spinning continuously

Then, take this series of content posted on a series of forums and backlink back. Then ask why not top?

The truth is, google is not “dumb” …. So, do not spam, do sustainable tactics.

  1. Choose the right path when applying SEO Tips

Remember when I first stepped on the path of SEO, there was so much information that made me dizzy. Which is to go backlink forum, which is text link, which is Content is King, GSA, PBN, blog comment, satellite model … Numerous types.

When I learned about GSA, someone told me that it did not work, and the forum was better, so I studied the Forum. Then when learning to go to the Forum link, the Gypsy backlink rumored to be no longer effective, now google likes every content. At that time, I didn’t know which way to visit. Someone also told Google to love each adwords, only money is top …

Then someone told me:

“There are more than 200,000 ways to succeed, choose the one you like best. Look at the 1,000 most influential people of all time, they all choose the path that suits them best and does not care about everything else.”

I do not know why I was convinced at that time. And so, I chose the path of PBN to dive into it and not care about anything else. (If you like, just choose)

In turn, I found out that PBN is a backlink that requires a lot of investment and thoroughness, while I have no mother in my pocket.

Sharing phase of PBN implementation model

I still remember the story I first stood up to share about the PBN link deployment model and the small success. Those who are known as the hardest SEO, they laughed at me.

But still, I continue to delve into the things that I believe really work. And gradually achieved the next success after. Increasingly growing up until today. My successful projects are all based on the core of backlink and PBN.

So, if you want to start SEO or anything else. Choose a path that you like, fits & feels the strongest.

Since then stabbing into research, working 15 to 16 hours per day, 365 days per year, constantly experimenting, falling and then standing up, …

Remember, in the short term, you will face many difficulties, people scold you, no one trusts you, …

But at the top are the miracles that will happen and it starts from your hard work, effort and belief.


Above are all 81 effective web SEO tips in 2018 – 2019.

You may have heard these SEO tips before, but the question is Have you actually tried them?

Not all of these SEO tips are easy to implement, but you will definitely be able to improve your rankings with the above SEO tips.

You do not need to be an expert to be able to perform these seo tips, and certainly, these seo tricks do not bring any risk for penalties for the website.

Have you tried to apply any of these SEO website tips? Let me know below this post!

And do not forget, if you like it, please share the article immediately on social networks to share the article on Facebook.

The article is referenced from Cognitive SEO & Ahrefs

If you do not know where to start then you may really need a “teacher” to lead. Register now for a web seo course – Seo MasterMind!

Master the SEO platform – Create a breakthrough strategy for the business


SEO tips: 81 super effective SEO tips in 2020

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