
What is the conversion rate? 16 ways to increase conversion rates that you need to know!

Conversion rate is an important factor in your paid search strategy. If you can’t convert traffic to leads, what are you advertising for?

Optimizing conversion rate allows you to maximize every penny of PPC spending!

But what is a good conversion rate? If you have achieved a conversion rate of 3%, 5% or even 10%, is it as high as what you want?

Most of the knowledge you learn from marketers about conversion rate optimization is wrong! If you sing the same song like everyone else, you will never do anything more than average.

When all the masters talk about the same optimization, and all the competitors you are listening to them. How to stand out over the opponent?

In this article, I will show you exactly 13 factors that helped me optimize my conversion rate!

But wait, what is the exact concept of conversion rate? What is CRO? In other words, what is the conversion rate?

What is the conversion rate?

Conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the total number of visitors.

For example, if an ecommerce site receives 200 visitors in a month and has 50 products sold. The conversion rate will be 50 divided by 200 or 25%.

A conversion can be any action you want users to take. It includes anything from clicking on a button to making a purchase and becoming a customer.

Websites and apps have many conversion goals. Each goal will have its own conversion rate.

You understand what conversion is, let me find out why it is important.

How do you understand the Conversion rate?

What is the importance of conversion rate?

Conversion rate tracking allows you to measure the performance of websites and apps in:

  • Understand how many percent of users are accomplishing goals that drive your business.
  • Evaluate the success of a website or app and determine which parts should be improved.

Improved conversion rate also allows you to get higher sales for the same amount of traffic.

You are spending $ 1000 per month on advertising to attract 500 customers to visit your website. If you double the conversion rate, you will double the value of your advertising spend. You will then cut down on advertising spend and get the same benefits you received earlier or invest more revenue in new advertising programs.

16 ways to increase your conversion rate right now

Increasing conversion rate is extremely important. Having a good conversion rate is the basis of high revenue.

First: Your website needs a goal

When reviewing websites, I asked people about their # 1 business goals. It is the main action they want visitors to take on the website.

Why? Because you can only evaluate a website according to the target.

How effective is it in achieving the goal?

If you do not have goals, there is no way to improve your website. You can only improve what you measure.

Some people tell me that their goal is for customers to read about their products. It is not! That is not a business goal. One goal you should pursue is another act besides reading like:

  • Registration
  • Purchase
  • Click on something
  • Order an item.

If your goal is for people to read the text on the website. Right now, you should set a new goal.

#1. Perform A / B testing

In real estate it is called location, place. In conversion optimization that is test and test. Testing is the best way to minimize the risk of deciding on innovations and exploring new opportunities.

What is A / B testing in conversion optimization?

A / B testing (or split testing) is one of the techniques that helps increase the conversion rate of a website. It is the ability to turn visitors into customers.

If you have two titles for your site, you can’t decide which one to use. You should run A / B testing to see which works better.

You create two alternate versions of the page (page A and page B). Each version has a different title.

A / B testing software directs 50% of traffic to site A and 50% to page B. Both sites have calls to action. And finally, you count how many people take action.

Pages that have more conversions (more people taking action) will win.

Your goal is to have at least one and preferably some A / B testing running at any time on the website.

There is no such thing as perfect when it comes to online marketing, website and product design. The only way you can find out what is working is to constantly experiment.

Decide what to check

Marketers often guess the factors that need to focus and revolve around testing, things that little or no effect on users or conversion goals.

Instead, what you should do is use existing data to uncover important things to focus on.

Depending on your company’s stage and organizational structure, you will have a different level of data available to use. Some companies are swimming in data and do not know what to do with them. Others are struggling to implement events in Google Analytics.

To help you decide on the tests you want to do, consider the potential revenue that each test will bring as well as the resources required to carry out that test and rank them accordingly.

It is important that you test a hypothesis at a given time. If not, you will not make any changes that will make a difference and bring efficiency to the website.

Important element of a website

Some important factors on a website are often more influential than others. If you are just getting started, in addition to the data you have, pay attention to the following:

  • Headlines: You should write a strong, convincing and reliable headline to attract users about your main offer.

The legendary marketing expert David Ogilvy once said that, according to calculations, “The average number of people reading the title is 5 times more than the reader of the article.” Therefore, if you do not sell products in the title, you have wasted 80% of your money.

  • Layout and navigation on page
  • Offer: What will the customer receive (you need to describe and raise the problem)
  • Different media. You can also use a video as the main content for the article.
  • Completely changed. Sometimes you should also change different approaches.

What do you need to test?

Many businesses spend money on expensive testing software before they really understand how to implement the conversion rate optimization process. You do not have to spend too much on this!

  • Google Optimize is a free tool. As a whole, it has some limitations. For example, do not target different devices and only have 3 tests at the same time.
  • If you are a small or medium business, consider Optimizely or VWO. These are the easiest tools to use.

If your website has a stable amount of traffic, you should perform testing.

If you do not have enough traffic, you will not have to waste time because the results will not be very accurate. However, there are things you can do to optimize conversion rates with low traffic.

You should perform A / B Testing continuously even if you have a working website. Try to build and test something else.

If positive changes increase, gradually it will lead to significant growth.

#2. Create a clear and compelling value proposition

The potential of conversion rate is determined by the value proposition. It is the most important conversion factor.

What is a value proposition?

Value propositions are value statements that are often used to summarize why potential customers should buy from you, not your competitors. Customers do not just want to know what they will get from the product. They even ask why they have to buy them from you.

If you only have 10 words to explain why people should buy from you, what would you say?

Many marketers try to improve conversion rate by changing page factors like color and font size, CTA button style, images, preferences, etc. However, they do not realize that they should really focus. into building value propositions for our customers.

What is the concept of value proposition?

If the home page or product page only displays greetings or just lists the name of the company or products, then you are extremely flawed.

Note that there is a difference between value proposition and your product. You have to solve both at once.

How to have a good value proposition?

  • Value propositions must be different from competitors’ offers
  • You can be like a competitor in every way, but there must be at least one thing that sets you apart from the market. That is the main important factor for buyers.

Crafting a value proposition requires thorough understanding of the unique things about products, services and businesses.

But do not stop there, good value propositions must also be communicated effectively to achieve optimal results. You need to refine your value statement until it is clear with a single sentence. In particular it must be really reliable.

However, you must make every effort to present your value proposition. To know the true effect of it you need to check how it works.

Optimizing value suggestions is an ongoing process that involves identifying, implementing, testing and measuring. Use A / B testing to do that.

# 3. Set up sales funnel

In your opinion, what is the reason to set up a sales funnel in the optimal conversion rate? What are the steps of the sales funnel? But first you have to understand that:

Sometimes the thing that kills conversion rates is that you are asking users to buy, register or do anything too quickly.

People are probably just looking for a reference. They are not ready psychologically or do not rush to buy now.

The more expensive or complex the product, the more time people need to have to find out before making a purchase.

As I mentioned earlier, for software companies, it is advisable to offer a free trial or experience instead of asking them to register or purchase. This will greatly improve conversion rate.

In many cases, you just need to slow down and build a sales funnel to build trust, develop relationships and prove your expertise.

Build an optimal sales funnel with conversion rate conversion rate

An example of how to set up a sales funnel

Suppose your product is an online course on home repair instruction. This is how you should do it.

  • What do customers want? => Learn about home repair instructions
  • What do you want? => Attract customers to buy courses
  • How to do it?
  • Free repair advice via blog, video
  • Become their trusted instructor
  • Give them a compelling reason to subscribe to your email list (in exchange for some special instructions)
  • Free video course by email
  • Submit forms and offer to buy the course.

Some people say that it takes at least 7 times to contact a potential buyer before they are ready to buy from you. I have not seen any recent research to prove this.

However, I know the fact that the stronger your relationship with potential customers, the more likely they are to buy from you.

So slow down, provide value and benefits before asking them to buy. Just get their email so you can keep talking and bring them closer to the point of purchase.

Consolidating establishing sales channels to benefit businesses

# 4. Cut down on terms

Do not disturb people with complex, academic business language. It will not be really effective.

Abandon terms that are difficult to understand

You write for everyone. Those are people who read your website. The marketing manager and sales manager are also people. Do not write for companies, write for people.

Clarity and simplicity are what I want marketers to understand.

The best way to re-express all marketing words on the website is to imagine that you are explaining them to your best friend. You need to express it so that your friend can understand it most clearly.

“Write as you say”.

Paul Graham

# 5. Determine what makes customers hesitant to buy

Whenever people read your product or service offer, they will have mixed opinions: Conscious and unconscious. During the direct sales process, I discovered that hesitation with questions and addressed customer concerns.

But selling online is more difficult! The solution to this is that you must resolve all issues that may occur immediately.

How to solve the problem that makes customers hesitate

Step 1: Make a list of all the reasons why customers hesitate.

Step 2: Add this information to your sales article (in the product and service question and answer section) to eliminate or reduce those concerns. The list of questions includes:

  • Why do products help customers solve problems? (Describe in detail the problem customers encounter and explain how the product will help them solve it).
  • Why should customers trust you? (Please list your certificates, awards or experience, …)
  • What happens if your product does not work for me? (with testimonials and reviews from users who have experienced your product)
  • It is not worth the money, there are cheaper alternatives out there. (explain the price you offer, compare it with competitors, prove the value of the product you provide)

And many more things. It is important to provide a list of the longest questions possible.

Tip: Use on-site surveys to determine customer frustration when visiting your website. By this method, you will receive real feedback from visitors in real time while they are experiencing your website.

# 6. Increase trust

Let’s say you walk down the street and some random guy comes to you. “Hey, you want to buy an iPad? It is only 50 dollars. This is a new brand.”

Do you intend to buy it?

Maybe it is a good product. And that was a really good deal too. But you may still not buy it.

Why? Because you do not trust him.

Sales expert Zig Ziglar once said that there are only 4 reasons people will not buy from you:

  • User does not need
  • They have no money
  • It may not be urgent
  • They do not trust

We can’t do much to improve the first three reasons. However, for reason 4 we still have the ability to build trust.

Please add the factors that make the website more reliable in the eyes of the user and see your conversion rate increase.

Make a reliable website in the eyes of customers

So, what makes people believe in a website? The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab has been researching this for many years and already has the answer.

9 Criteria make a website reliable in the eyes of customers

Here is a list, make sure your website meets all of the following criteria:

1 / Easy to verify information in an accurate way

Build your website’s reputation by adding a third-party review of the site. It may be:

  • An article about your business
  • Review testimonial of previous customers
  • Comment on blogs about products, services or businesses
  • Tips for using your product from industry experts, …

All of them will help you a lot in getting potential customers to trust you!

Especially, you should insert the link so that users can click and view these contents directly. Even if people do not like these links, you should still show the credibility of the information on your website.

2 / Create an expert level for the website

Show users that there is a real business behind your website.

The easiest way to do this is to clearly state the address of your company’s representative office or office. High position in the company (CEO, manager, Co-founder or sales team for example)

3 / Highlight the professionalism of the business

Highlight the professionalism of your business through the content on the web, product or service you provide.

Is there any expert in your team in your team? Are your suppliers or partners reliable? Please provide more information about them.

Website you can point to a reliable organization. In contrast, do not link to untrusted websites. Your website will not be trusted by users if they click on the link and must access the pages above.

4 / Create contact information

Get people in touch with you easily. A simple way to boost your website’s reputation is to make contact information clear:

  • Hotline phone number
  • Real address
  • Email address

5 / Professional website design

Design a website that looks professional or fits your purpose.

People often glance at the site and rate it just by looking at it. When designing a website, pay attention to the layout, typography, images, items and consistent content, …

Websites that look amateurish will bring the customers the feeling that your business is trusted. So, you should invest and hire a quality designer.

6 / Make the website easy to use and useful

Research shows that websites gain credibility because they are easy to use and helpful.

Some web admins forget their users. They are only concerned about the company’s interests or trying to show off the brilliant things they can do with web technology.

7 / Update website content regularly

People often give more trust to websites that regularly update and update new content. If you have a blog or news directory on the web, make sure that this content is updated regularly.

8 / Limit the use of advertising content

Nobody likes hype, advertising and flashing slogans. People often see them as fraudulent and spam information.

If possible, avoid inserting advertisements on the website. If you must have ads, clearly distinguish them between sponsored content and your own content.

For your style and writing style, write clearly, get straight to the point and be as sincere as possible.

9 / Avoid the smallest error

Spelling errors and broken links damage the reputation of a website like never before. Besides, make sure that your website has fast loading speed and features such as chatbox, menu, … all work well.

# 7. Simplify the buying process

Do not let users brainstorm to click where to buy from your website. And especially, minimize the number of steps they must take to pay.

  • Let users know what they should do next. On each page, always guide users to perform the actions you desire.
  • Do not give users too many options. The Paradox of Choice, the more choices you give users, the more likely they are to choose nothing. If you have multiple products, create better filters. It helps customers quickly find the right product they need without spending too much time.
  • Ask them to fill in as few items as possible. The more orders or forms registered on the website, the fewer people need to fill out. Please add the registration feature via Facebook or Google account to minimize user time. Do not ask them to fill out anything unnecessary.
  • Do not force users to subscribe to purchases. Do you know the story of a button worth 300 million dollars? I recommend you read it. Do not force them to subscribe to your website to buy from you. Let them go to the checkout page as a visitor visiting the site. This will make you feel much more comfortable.
  • Free shipping. Free shipping is the most popular buying motivation for 82% of the United Kingdom consumers and 80% for Americans in an eConsultancy study. This will give you an edge over your competition.

#8. Convey value

A common mistake that marketers make is that they do not provide enough information about the products or services they sell.

For example, how to provide information to users

For example, you sell a chair. Describe it like this (all is true):

  • The seat body and back of the seat are made from breathable, extremely comfortable grain material.
  • Weight: 10kg
  • Color: Black
  • Warranty 12 months
  • Price: 3,600,000 VND

Did you pay 3.6 million based on what I just wrote here?

Of course not.

However, there are many websites that only list bullet points with some simple, even sparse, features with prices.

The best way to sell products and services is to add as much information about them as possible. If possible, you should add videos and photos.

In fact, 79% of people will not read all the details of a product, but 16% will read everything. 16% of it is your target customer.

If a person reads all product information and is not convinced, you have a problem. But if a person is convinced after reading only 1/4, they can skip the rest and complete the transaction immediately, you have succeeded.

IDC, a global research firm, said that up to 50% of potential revenue is lost due to this incomplete information.

Provide information for customers to convince themselves

Add photos, videos, reviews for all products. Amazon arranges and creates full content for almost every product they sell. As a result, they have sold millions of products.

In particular, you must give a final price, after providing information about all the value of the product. If not, people can quickly evaluate a product based solely on its price without reading the value it provides.

# 9. Provide authentication information

Whatever statement you make on your website, enclose your credentials or cite the source so users can find out. People will be skeptical and want to check for information accuracy.

Types of information to be verified

  • Testinomial: Previous customers will help you to verify the quality of the product. The more positive feedback people have about the value they receive, the more trustworthy your product will be.
  • Case study: The actual case study about the image before and after using the product or service is an effective information to help you significantly increase your conversion rate.
  • Results of clinical examinations or scientific assessments. The results of the analysis and evaluation of product quality from a research institute or laboratory of a famous university will help you verify the accuracy of the information on the website.

This type of information is especially relevant to new products that have just been launched on the market. For example:

  • Waterproof wooden doors / floors
  • Technological appliances
  • Supplementary foods, pharmaceuticals, drugs, …
  • Third party reviews. Have a review of your product from a trade journal or article. Please show this review and link to it.
  • Authentication on social networks. If you have thousands of customers, make it famous. No one wants to be a white mouse using the services you provide.
  • Let the customers see your product. There is nothing better than a demo show that shows customers what products you can do. Use the product introduction video!

#10. Remove distracting elements on the website:

You want people to focus on a single action and not be distracted by it.

Is there an item on the page that could cause visitors to leave the goal?

The more action options users have to handle, the less likely they are to go to conversion. Reducing distractions (such as too many product options, links and valuable information) will help you increase conversion rates.

On the landing page and product page, delete or collapse the elements unrelated to the user’s actions

  • Cancel or minimize the menu
  • Abandon sidebars and big headlines
  • Turn off unrelated images
  • Consider removing navigation on your landing page

Consider what does not contribute to the conversion of the page and remove it.

# 11. Compare yourself to your competitors before your customers do it

Each product and service has direct and indirect competitors.

Research shows that people do a search before buying a product and compare it between different suppliers. Almost no one buys your product without going through your competitors’ website first.

So, compare your products with your competitors’ before you do it.

People are often lazy and compare things without thinking too much. They only look at price and key features. For example, when choosing a web host, they only look at server space and the monthly payment. You are an expert in the field and you know that much more should be considered.

When you make comparisons, you can point out what you feel is your biggest advantage over other options. If your product is more expensive than other products, then this is your chance to explain why.

What if your opponent did that?

Imagine if your opponent publicly compared your services and say their offers are better. However, you do not give the reason why your product is better. And as a result, a large number of users will choose your opponent.

In addition, adding product comparison pages to your website is to prevent people from leaving the web (reducing bounce rate). They can make comparisons right on the web. It does not retain all users but will certainly retain a large portion of visitors.

How to make comparisons?

This depends on your product.

If it is a product based on purely technical specifications like a laptop. You can compare the specifications (battery life, disk space, RAM, …). You can view the Mobile World or Green Electronics website in the product comparison section between vendors.

If your product is more complex, use descriptive bias.

If some of the specifications in your product are lower than your competitors. Please indicate that your support services, preferential policies, after sales are better.

Also, acknowledging your shortcomings is a good thing. It makes you more reliable.

Traditional content formats often use comparison tables like this one. However, you can also come up with better and more creative ways.

#12. Reduce or eliminate risks

Risks are always there. So, find ways to reduce risk as little as possible

Every transaction or purchase is risky. Usually the buyer bears most of the risks in the transaction. If the risk is great, the sale will not take place.

Give customers the assurance of reducing or eliminating all potential risks through warranty and after-sales policies.

Some examples of how to minimize risk

  • Hyundai’s best warranty. Hyundai has struggled for years with rumors and scandal that its vehicles are easily damaged. So, they started with a 10-year warranty. Basically, you will have the thought, “How bad are Hyundai cars when the company is so long-term?”. By now, Hyundai’s quality is considered on par with Lexus!
  • The Punctual Plumber (plumber on time). Most people have a preconception of a late repairman. To combat this prejudice, they call themselves The Punctual Plumber and pay you every minute when they are late. If they are willing to do that, they probably will not be late, will they? Guaranteed risk elimination!
  • Pizza delivery within 30 minutes or free receipt. If you order a pizza, the delivery time is worth considering because it determines how delicious the piece is. With such assurance, this concern is removed.
  • We not only refund but also compensate for the loss. This is the strongest kind of guarantee – pain compensation.

30-day money back guarantee is considered the standard by most industries. So, you should not provide less than this number. Try to do better than that.

And besides, perform A / B testing different policies to find out which one is working best!

# 13. Add encouragement to take immediate action

Does your website urge users to take action now?

I bet you have seen emergency notifications like this before.

Some may argue that this old method does not work! But … the opposite is true. Nothing motivates a purchase by applying scarcity: Scarcity marketing!

There are 2 types of scarcity limits you can create:

  • Scarcity related to quantity (there are 2 seats left at this price)
  • Scarcity related time (last day to buy)

If your product supply is endless, you can offer attractive rewards with time, free gifts for first-time buyers or discounts if they complete transactions within a certain timeframe.

Advice: Do not deceive your customers. If it is fake scarcity, people will know and your credibility will plummet. The reputation you build is not worth the trade!

# 14. Change the offer

On all highly effective landing pages, I see the offers changing massively and differently.

Most companies usually have a default offer that targets their product. It may be similar or very similar to what their competitors are doing.

For example, software companies will offer free trials.

However, these offers are not innovative.

How can you be creative with your offer?

If your conversion rate is stuck at 2% or lower, you are not doing well. But the real way you can do it is to ask your customers. You need to add a form on your landing pages to ask people what they want your help with.

Brainstorm, ask your customers and make more unique offers to test. You will never know who is winning until you try some new offers.

# 15. Use Remarketing as a CRO tool

On average 96% of visitors to a website will leave without ever converting into customers.

Remarketing helps you reach these people with relevant messages as they engage in other activities on the web, like email, watching YouTube videos, using social networks or searching for information.

# 16. Try 10 landing pages to find 1 landing page

On average, you should test 4 unique landing pages with offers, traffic and messages to find a great landing page.

If you want to find a unicorn landing page with 10% of the pages having conversion rates 3 to 5 times higher than the average, you need to check out at least 10 landing pages.

One study analyzed an e-commerce account with 1,000 landing pages. About one third of the traffic comes from their most trafficked landing pages. When I dig deeper, I find that about 80% of traffic comes from their top 10% landing pages.

You do not have to create thousands of landing pages. You need to find the top performers you have and focus your efforts on that.

How do you improve the performance of these landing pages?

Cut down resources and stop wasting time on weak pages. Practically just remove them. If you only have one great landing page, you should focus on it.

Before worrying about conversion rate, you need to get customers to your landing pages from the beginning

The higher the conversion rate, the more it sounds great. However, if you convert inferior leads, you will lose more money.

I want you to focus on optimizing your landing pages to get you in a better direction, generating more quality leads, not just conversion rates.

Bonus: Everything you know about conversion rate optimization is wrong!

In your opinion, most users often have some disastrous confusion about conversion rate? Are you in that “majority”? Find out with me!

In industries, the conversion rate for landing pages averages 2.35%. But 25% of leading companies are converting at 5.31% or higher.

Ideally, you want to be in the top 10 – these are landing pages with conversion rates of 11.45% and above.

Wordstream analyzed thousands of Google Adwords accounts with an annual spending of $ 3 billion. And they found that some marketers achieved conversions about twice or three times more on average than the market.

What do they have that you do not have? The way you can achieve a conversion rate of 2, 3 times will be the exact opposite of the conversion method you already know!

What would it be like when we misunderstood about conversion rate optimization?

Testing the optimal conversion rate in a classic way is silly

This is a great fairy tale conversion rate optimization. In the old classic style, what was the way many people optimized conversion rate? You must have heard this before.

Once upon a time, a marketing expert said it was important that you optimize your website. They shared an example where the author changed the button color, or the font and image spacing. Surprisingly, the advertiser’s conversion rate has increased by 2 to 7%.

In most cases, small changes like line spacing, font color, etc. have very small benefits.

If you want to get a large, long conversion rate, then you have to do something different!

The ways of changing fonts, colors, … are only effective in a short time!

Why is this happening? Usually, it is because your total conversions are not big enough to get started.

If you are considering 50, 100 or even 200 conversions in your entire experiment. Small changes can be more powerful than reality. A conversion rate is likely to increase by 4% if there are only 50 total conversions, because your sample size is really not big enough to get started.


What is a good conversion rate?

Hint: The conversion rate figure is much higher than what you think.

It is commonly assumed that a good conversion rate is between 2 and 5%.

If you are sitting at 2%, an improvement of 4% might seem like a big jump. You have doubled your conversion rate. But you are still stuck in the average performance group.

So, what is a good conversion rate? About half of accounts have conversion rates below 1%. The average is 2.35%. But the top 25% accounts have twice that number – 5.31% or higher. Check the red bar on the right – the top 10% of Google Ads advertisers have a conversion rate of 11.45%.

Remember, this is not for individual landing pages. These advertisers are making 11.45% and above conversions on their entire account.

Obviously, this is not an abnormal number. This is completely achievable. If you are getting a conversion rate of 5%, you are outperforming 75% advertisers. But you still have a lot of room to grow.

You should try to achieve 10%, 20% or even more. Get your conversion rate 3 to 5 times higher than the average conversion rate. Expect to have conversion rate metrics for this landing page in your account.

Conversion rate by industry

You would think, “My conversion rate is often low.” That is quite possible. I have segmented conversion rate data by industry to see if these thoughts are true for all marketers. Here is what I found in an analysis of 4 main industries:

The ecommerce industry has much lower average conversion rates, especially compared to finance. However, please review the Top 10% Conversion Rates. They are 3 to 5 times higher than the average for each industry. So, we can see that this rule is applicable in all fields, regardless of industry.

The opposite, of course, is if you are in a high-performing industry like finance. 5% is not really a great conversion rate. If you are comparing yourself to the average across all industries, you are really hallucinating that you are doing well. In fact, the top 10% are doing 5 times better.

Even if the average conversion rate is lower in your industry. Top advertisers still outperform you 3 to 5 times.

So, I hope you will use the following tips to make your conversion rate optimization strategy more effective and comprehensive. It will boost your conversion and bring better quality.

What is the tip to optimize conversion rate?

  • Small changes = Small profits.
  • Building strategies and focusing on optimizing landing pages will bring conversion rates 3 to 5 times higher. Improve the quality of leads.
  • In some industries, the 5% conversion rate is not impressive. If you are stuck with 2 to 5% conversion rate, there are still many ways to grow.
  • Be creative and experiment with deals to find the deal that best suits your audience. If you want to be “different”, look for attractive offers that are unique enough to make you a leader.
  • Identify obstacles that prevent your potential customers from converting. Avoid those barriers by changing the flow. Check out different variations to find out exactly which path converts best.
  • Using remarketing to collect users who express their intent but not convert.
  • Smarter testing. Check out 10 landing pages to find one that will yield top results. And this goes beyond changing the font color and let’s call it a variation landing page!
  • Focus your resources on the top 10% landing pages and get 80% of the traffic.
  • Always keep an eye on offers to generate more sales. At the same time, it also creates customers with the ability to convert into the highest sales. Do not take the high conversion rate seriously and forget about customer quality. Moreover, it is necessary to find a sweet spot where everything works well as an oily machine.


In general, you should check to see exactly where you are with your landing pages strategy. Then start making smarter changes. It will help you overcome your competitors.

I hope that through this article, you have found yourself a good understanding of what conversion rate is and the importance of conversion rate. But above all, you can apply 16 ways to increase conversion rates appropriately and effectively in your work.

And as always, if you have any questions about information, strategies or conversion rate tips that I mentioned above. Please tell me.

Good luck to you!


What is the conversion rate? 16 ways to increase conversion rates that you need to know!

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