To SEO a website to the TOP requires a very long and laborious process of SEOers. However, you may also find that your SEO rankings will not be kept forever. To maintain the ranking of the website is always on Top Google, you need to understand the factors affecting SEO website rankings and how to maintain it.
Let’s find out immediately with Bizzvn.
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1. Subjective factor
- 1 Content on the website.
- 2 Mobile-friendly interface
- 3 Speed up page loading on mobile
- 3 Optimize the Title tag, Meta Description and Featured Snippet.
- 4 Create links from social networks
- 5 Optimize Internal Link
2. Objective factors affecting SEO rankings.
- 1 Continuous and regular updates by Google.
- 2 New methods of SEO.
- Subjective factor
1.1 Content on the website.
Content is a particularly important part of a website, taking on many roles such as improving the quality and reputation of the website. Good content can attract and retain users, increasing conversion rates.
Therefore, even when the website is Top Search, content creation still needs to be focused. You need to review the posts and regularly update the information in the articles. Updates here include content editing, content optimization and addition of necessary content.
For example: The time you write that article and do SEO is 2018, you set the title to “Checklist of SEO SEO Articles 2018”. So, when you come to 2019, you can completely revise the article to “Checklist of standard SEO articles 2019”, and update the new checklists of 2019 to the article.
Not only updating old articles, it is also important to expand the keyword sets and write new articles. This is highly appreciated by Google when your website updates information regularly. You can expand the topics related to products and services. If product keywords are vertical keyword topics that relate directly to the product; You can absolutely do SEO horizontal topics.
For example, if your website is about settling down in Australia, then in addition to vertical topics such as: Settling down for business, settling down for investment, … you can SEO more horizontal topics such as: life in Australia, professions working in Australia, ….
1.2 Mobile-friendly interface
For a large number of mobile users when accessing the internet, what you need to do regularly is to check if the website is still mobile friendly.
To check if you do the following:
- Step 1: Check with Google’s Mobile Friendly tool You only need to enter the domain website into the link The tool will return the following result:
As such, the website is mobile friendly, but there are some page loading issues. You can click on “Page load issue” and handle this section.
- Step 2: Go to the website’s Google Webmaster Tool, in this case is Google Search Console, then select the “Mobile availability” section in the left sidebar. From there the tool will return you the problems you need to fix with your website
1.3 Speed up page loading on mobile
After a while you do SEO, you write articles, you post photos on the website, the website will get worse due to more photos and data. This can cause slow page loading speed.
All you need to do is check the special page loading speed on your mobile device. Because at present, the number of people using mobile phones is very large and it is important that Google indexes the mobile version first.
To test website speed, you use 2 tools:
- Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool: You only need to enter the website link into, the tool will return you the following results:
Website reaches a good speed when the pagespeed score reaches 80 points. The tool has some suggestions for optimizing the speed below when analyzing each webpage. Factors affecting page load speed, there are usually three main factors that are due to code, hosting or large and heavy images, causing slow page loading. You need to optimize all of these items by:
- Switch to a faster, more reliable server service.
- Perform compression of all images on your website.
- Use content delivery network (CDN) to speed up downloads.
The second tool you can use when testing page load speed is Testmysite. Testmysite measures page loading speed on mobile devices when using 4G. Similar to Pagespeed, enter your website domain into the link The tool will return the following result:
Website reaches good speed when the score reaches <2.5s. In the example on the website, reaching 4.5s is quite low. Need to optimize the website according to the suggestions below.
1.3 Optimize the Title tag, Meta Description and Featured Snippet.
The title tag and meta description can be the first touch point of the website for customers when customers perform a query on Google’s search engine. So, these 2 tags are especially important. They decide whether users Click on your website or not? So, optimizing the title tag, meta description should be done regularly.
When your website has reached a high position, try to optimize so it can reach the Top 0 (aka Featured snippets). Featured snippets is a position that most people who do SEO on google also want. Experts call this position a featured snippet or Top 0 position in search results
Google Featured snippets usually come in 3 different formats:
- Paragraphs make up (63%)
- Listing (19%)
- Table (16%)
- In addition, there are charts, pictures, …

Why should we optimize Featured Snippets?
- The top 0 position will help increase brand reputation as well as visibility on the SERP.
- Help you get more traffic to the website. In many cases, the top 0 position also has a higher CTR (Click Through Rate) than the top 1 position.
- You have no extra cost to optimize this Top 0 position
1.4 Create links from social networks
Signals from Social will help you validate your business with google, increase brand coverage and increase website traffic by Social sources. Therefore, creating and building content for social networks is very important. You can create social networks with large users such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, …
Then build content for each site by sharing articles from the website on the network or sharing articles of websites together.
1.5 Optimize Internal Link
In the process of website optimization, do you also need to pay attention to whether the Internal Link is still reasonable?
Internal link (Internal link) is a hyperlink on one page to another page or resource such as image, or document file, in the same domain or website.
The way of internal linking is very important, it directly affects the rate of time on site and bounce rate of users. So, you need to go Internal Link properly to avoid wasting traffic to the website.
With one article, we should build content in groups of topics to be able to get internal links in a logical and related way. In addition, we can go Internal Link according to the user’s search itinerary (A-I-D-A model). That is the customer will go from Attention (Attention to brand) -> Interest (Favorite brand) -> Desire (Desire to have products) -> Action (Action on the website).
- Objective factors affecting SEO rankings.
Not only do the internal factors affect the website, external influences also cause your website to increase or decrease rankings:
2.1 Continuous and regular updates by Google.
Google regularly updates the algorithm. So, all you need to do is attend Google update seminars or follow the fastest Google websites to optimize your website in time.
For example: Google Rank brain algorithm update
See more:
What is Google Rankbrain? 80% of SEOer misunderstand about RankBrain algorithm
What is the YMYL algorithm?
Google is increasingly smart in keyword rankings. If you do not update the algorithm regularly, it is difficult to guarantee your website rankings on search engines.
2.2 New SEO methods.
In addition to Google’s algorithms, you should also learn SEO methods in the market to increase rankings as well as maintain the rankings for your website. However, currently on the market there are many different schools of SEO, you need to be alert and select the method that best suits your industry and website.
To make it easier to choose the right method, you should subscribe to receive emails with a wide range of topics from expert sharing to practical case studies, to updates. Latest news and trends of SEO industry in particular and Google Marketing in general.
* Learn about exclusive SEO (PPP) service by Bizzvn, helping businesses to TOP thousands of keywords.