Social media – Social media is considered the fastest growing marketing trend in history, making it easy for brands to convey messages and interact with many people at the same time, at the same time.
As a branch of Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing (abbreviated SMM) – Social media marketing is a method of using social media channels such as Facebook, Messenger, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram … to market to target customers. Once embarked on this path, marketers need to equip themselves with a solid specialized foundation as well as the following “collection” of terms:
Asset: Communication products
Attention span: The amount of time a person can focus on an article or video without distraction.
Audience Demographic – Demographic: The data divides the characteristics of a group of people such as geographic location, age, gender, interests, behavior … to identify market segments and help brands find out their own customers.
Audience scale: Number of people actually participating in the discussion on social media.
Brand Associations: A brand’s understandings, feelings or beliefs about a brand, rooted in customer experiences.
Brand Attributes – Brand attributes are attributes and attributes associated with brands such as Volvo that are Safe; Mercedes is Luxury.
Brand Identity: The external form that customers perceive the brand, including brand name, logo, slogan, applications …
Bumper ad: max ads 6s, no Skip ads button.
Buzz volume: Total amount of discussion
Call to action (CTA): A short message to encourage users to take actions such as buying, sharing social media posts, writing comments, …
Click through rate (CTR): How often people see your ad and click on it.
Conversion: Conversion is a user action that brings value to businesses such as buying, signing up for email, calling or chatting with consultants …
Conversion rate – calculated by the number of conversions divided by the total number of interactions with a trackable ad for a conversion during the same time period.
Digital first: The transition from traditional channel priority to digital channels.
Digital natives – Digital indigenous people are those who were born in the digital technology era, or those who are familiar and very comfortable using these technologies.
Engagement: People like, share, click, comment in the post.
Ephemeral content – Short-term content of Instagram posts, videos, stories lasts 24 hours and then disappears on the internet. Time limits cause users to click to watch immediately to avoid missing out on interesting news.
Fear of missing out (FOMO): Psychology of fear of missing out on something. Many businesses have used this effect flexibly as a trick to create scarcity, urgency or exclusivity for their products to attract customers.
Impression – Number of impressions: The number of times posts are visible to users on social media.
In-Stream Ad: In-stream ad, appears in the first 5 seconds of the video and has the Skip ads button.
Interaction: Total amount of interaction
Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs): are people who have influence on the online community, including: actors, singers, models, comedians that are widely known. Include:
Celebrities – Celebrities operating in the entertainment world, having personal brands and owning a huge fan base of 1 million or more.
- Macro-Influencers – A big influencer is an expert in a field, usually a trendsetter and has between 250,000 and 1 million fans.
- Micro-influencers – People with small influence, have the habit of posting content related to their interests or expertise online. The number of fans of this group is not too high (from 1,000 to 10,000) but the interaction is quite positive.
Media Coverage: through 3 main channels:
- Owned media (communication owned): are the advertising channels owned by the brand, including fanpage on Facebook, Youtube …
- Paid media: What brands have to pay to promote, including PR articles, Influencers posts, etc.
- Earned media: natural discussions of customers and become the brand’s advertising channel. Earned media can be viewed as a result of Paid media and Owned media.
Micro moment: Needs arise in a short moment
Mid-roll Ad: The ad appears between video content
Mobile-first: Top priority for mobile devices
Native Ads: A form of running ads mixed with regular content, making it difficult for customers to recognize that it is an ad.
Object mention: The number of discussions that refer directly to the brand / product / campaign terms.
Organic reach – the number of people (including fans and non-fans, people who already liked the page and who did not like it) see your post.
Pre-roll Ad: The ad appears before playing the video
People Taking Action: The number of unique people who took an action such as liking a Page or installing an app as a result of your ad. For example, if the same person liked and commented on an article, they would be counted as 1 unique person.
Reach – Coverage: Number of viewers of a program / channel at least 1 minute does not count repeatability.
Real-time: Real-time events, hot issues that brands leverage to convey messages quickly to customers.
Relevance Score – Relevance / Quality Score: A scale of 1-> 10 offered by Facebook to help advertisers evaluate the relevance of the ad they create to their target customers.
Seeding: Specific tasks such as creating a topic and a story, then playing many roles to make that topic a hot topic in the online community.
Sentiment score: The result of analyzing the emotional index of discussions to determine the correlation between Positive and Negative discussions. The emotional index is from -1 to 1, the higher the value, the higher the popularity.
Share of Voice (SOV) – Market share for discussion: Percentage of how many mentions pertain to your brand in the industry – and how many percent falls into the hands of other competitors.
Social Media Optimization (SMO): The use of a number of stores and communities to promote the public to raise brand awareness, events of products and services.
Social traffic: The total amount of traffic coming to the website through posts or ads on social networking sites.
User Generated Content (UGC): These are comments, reviews, check-ins in places or user-posted posts on online platforms. UGC helps brands measure the impact of media campaigns so they have to actively create brand related content.
User Experience (UX): is the user’s feelings and attitudes about using a particular product, program or service. Positive experiences are the motivation for users to come back and introduce them to their friends and relatives.
User Interface (UI) – User interface including colors, images, graphics, design layout, fonts … is a means for users to interact with programs on phones and computers. A good UI will provide a “user-friendly” experience, allowing them to interact with the program naturally and intuitively.